Interconnection of a CCGT Natural Gas Plant in Alexandroupolis

This Project concerns the interconnection of a combined-cycle natural gas plant with a nominal power of 840 MW, which is located in the Industrial Area of Alexandroupolis. The interconnection should therefore be designed with a high degree of reliability, with a view to minimising costs as well.

28 km
Pair of 400kV Overhead Transmission Lines
The Challenge
The fact that the area between the plant and the interconnection point is the Southern Forest Complex of Evros, a “Natura 2000” area, constituted a challenge for seamless connection that would also ensure the protection of the ecosystem. The large number of RES projects – both ongoing and planned – around the “Natura 2000” area further increased the degree of difficulty.
The Solution
In order to find the best way to interconnect the plant to the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System (HETS, Greek ΕΣΜΗΕ) we cooperated with environmental engineers to minimise disturbance of the sensitive species in the “Natura 2000” area, while at the same time limiting expropriations of private properties.
Related Services
- Preliminary suitability study
- Study for the Environmental Impact Assessment
- Final Design to be approved by IPTO
The design we selected led to significantly fewer required kilometres of transmission lines for the connection of the plant, while also maintaining a balance between the viability of the project and the protection of nature in the area.
Starting Date
November 2021
Project Completion
Power plant development companies
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